Friday, August 24, 2012

Heath and Ashley {Groton/New London, Connecticut Engagement Photographer}

I met Heath back in 2008 when Dennis and I randomly ended up at his house with some mutual friends. Little did we know, we'd spend the rest of the year having a blast in that house...if ANYONE knows how to throw a party, it's Heath... aka The Godfather. (sorry Heath, I had to throw it in there at least once!)

Ashley and I met through a former coworker when I was still a hairstylist in Virginia Beach... I had invited a couple of friends from work to one of Heath's extravaganzas and Ashley came along.

The rest is history.

It's crazy to me how life can take us so many different directions and have us wondering why things happen, why we're put in certain places at certain times, and then one day it clicks. You meet that one person that you know you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with and all of a sudden, it just makes sense. Even though you may have taken the long way, you ended up right where you were supposed to be.

If there's one thing I believe in, it's fate... and fate definitely brought Heath and Ashley together. I am SO excited for them to celebrate their wedding in September and to start the rest of their lives together.
Congratulations Heath and Ashley!

Cowboy boots and diamonds...what more could a Texas girl ask for?!

1 comment:

  1. Lauren thank you SO much. I am very impressed with all the photo's and it was so much fun to have you do it for us.
