Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I Heart Faces Photo Challenge | Black and White

It's been awhile since I entered one of I Heart Faces' photo challenges and when I saw that this week's theme was "Black and White" I knew I had the perfect photo to enter!

This summer, I spent some time visiting family in Virginia in between our move from Hawaii to Connecticut. I wanted to do a session with my brother and his beautiful girlfriend so I had them meet me at a local carnival one evening. My brother, being the surfboard shaping, living at the beach, hippy that he is was totally "not in his element" (his words) and the photos from that evening showed just that. I decided to let go of my control freakness and redo the session at their home down at the ocean front. Immediately, I knew that's where we should have been all along.

It was the epitome of the perfect summer evening and the photos I captured of them that night were stunning and captured exactly who they are. They are so naturally amazing in front of the camera and with each other. While I do have to admit, the photos in color from this session are definitely some of my favorites of all time because you can almost feel the warmth of a Virginia Beach summer, this particular photo in black & white is at the top of my all time favorites.

Photo Challenge Submission


  1. I like the dreamy quality that the B&W processing has on the image. Good job!

  2. Wow, this is amazing! It has a such a retro vibe too it...love!

  3. Yes, they are stunning. Great capture!!!

  4. Beautiful picture. Great processing!
