Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Burns Family { Groton / New London, Connecticut Family Photographer}

When I met the Burns family last Saturday, I was in desperate need of some fun to take my mind off of the week I'd had. We experienced a house fire and had spent the entire week moving into a new house and trying to get re-settled only 2 and a half months after moving into our original house. When the Burns family arrived, 4 year old Jack was wearing a bright blue super hero cape and I knew it was going to be an awesome session and EXACTLY what I needed. Jack and his sister Kate, who is turning 1 in November, are seriously some of the cutest kids I've had the opportunity to photograph. (I know, I know, I say that about every kid, but these two together were just beyond adorable... I mean seriously, look at Jack's gray chucks and Kate's tiny little skinny jeans! You can't get much cuter than that!)
Thank you Burns Family, for giving me a great end to a crazy week!


  1. We had such an amazing time. Thank you; so glad to have you in our area. Can't wait to get my hands on these and plaster them around my house :)

  2. The light in the kids eyes is just perfect! As always, beautiful photography Lauren.
