Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Heather & Slade

A playboy bunny, a nurse, and Tommy Lee walk into a bar...

No, that's not the intro to a stupid joke. But it IS the intro to how Heather and Slade met.
Rewind to Halloween of 2006... Dennis and I had just gotten back from our honeymoon and were celebrating Halloween with my best friend, Heather. The three of us went downtown to Scotty Quixx (which by the way is where Dennis and I also met!). My crazy husband went all out in full playboy bunny drag from the 6 inch stilettos, to the fishnets and blonde wig. While getting a drink at the bar, a guy dressed as Tommy Lee from Motley Crue pretended to hit on him resulting in Tommy Lee following Dennis back over to where Heather (dressed as a nurse) and I were sitting. The rest is history...

From their mutual love of tattoos, 80's hair bands, zombies, and Elvis... Heather and Slade were absolutely made for each other. They got married the following July, and have since brought 2 adorable, crazy little boys into this world. Heather has a daughter from a previous marriage and from the beginning, Slade jumped right into the role of "dad" and is a pretty amazing one at that.

These photos are extra special to me, because I got to use my hometown as a backdrop and I am beyond thrilled to be back in Virginia for a few days! I also had a blast shooting where there wasn't a palm tree in sight!

These photos are also close to my heart because Heather is the sister I never had. She's the only person that I'd spend 2 nights with in the hospital when she went into labor and Slade was deployed, the only person who knows me probably just as well as my husband...she's my sanity when Dennis is making me crazy and just doesn't "get it," and the first person I called when I found out I was pregnant (as well as the first person I called when I went into labor!) I can't wait to live closer so their boys and Charlie can grow up together, get into trouble, and make us absolutely crazy!

A few months ago, Heather told me that she wanted to recreate the classic Sailor kissing nurse photo in front of where they met... how fitting because Slade is in the Navy and Heather was technically a nurse that fateful Halloween night.

Downtown Norfolk still has some of the old faded store signs still painted on the sides of buildings...when I saw this one, I knew I just had to use it!

There is an old theater in one of the historic neighborhoods of Norfolk... I LOVE this photo but wanted to personalize it for them. Heather and Slade's song is "Love Song" by The Cure....

Heather and Slade, I am so happy that such a crazy Halloween night led to such a wonderful love story for you. I love you both!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got such amazing photos of them! And I'm claiming her as my friend too although I don't know her ha ha. Sounds like you guys have an amazing friendship.
