Friday, February 25, 2011

Richter Homecoming

I met Jenn when I photographed her kids Addy and Evan a year and a half ago when I was first starting my photography business. Jenn is every photographer's dream client... I received SO many referrals from her!

I got to know her a little better when I was pregnant with Charlie and have since learned what an amazing person she really is. One day she packed up her kids and met me in a park to talk about natural childbirth and was a huge support for me in that process. When I was a week overdue and feeling "weird", she answered a frazzled phone call only to tell me that she thought I was about to go into labor...and she was right!

Her husband Freddy is a Submariner and deployed last summer. I am so glad that Jenn allowed me to photograph his return home yesterday. I have never seen 2 kids more excited to see their Daddy!

We started the day by taking a boat ride out to meet the sub as it was pulling into the harbor. I had so much fun with Addy...she has definitely turned into a little camera ham since I saw her last!

Homecomings are so much different when you have children and I just love the expressions on Jenn and Freddy's faces in these next 2 photos... Jenn is standing back, letting the kids have their time with daddy when you know that all she wants to do is run and throw her own arms around him after being apart for 6 months.Freddy's eyes say it's like he's looking at Jenn and saying "I love you and missed you too."

Welcome Home Freddy and Thank You for your service!!

1 comment:

  1. Lauren~
    I am one of Jenns friends from RI, and just want to let you know how AMAZING these photographs are! You did an amazing job of capturing the "story" behind the Richter's Homecoming!
